Natural Healing for Pain with Regenerative Injection Treatment
Don’t rely on medications to numb the pain of your achy joints. Heal instead at the cellular level with our regenerative injection treatments.
With this treatment, we use your body’s growth factors to overcome joint pain, stimulate the body’s natural healing process, and optimize your ability to repair muscle, bone and other tissue.
Regenerating new tissue growth and accelerated healing is beneficial for addressing several conditions including:
- Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Tendonitis
- Torn Tendons
- Acute Injuries
- Chronic Pain
- Aid in Post-Surgery Recovery
Regenerative injections from your blood’s growth factors stimulate natural healing, optimizing repair of muscle, bone, and tissue, promoting new growth, healing cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and bone. They reduce pain, improve joint function, and may even reverse osteoarthritis.

How it works:
Your entire appointment will last between 30 minutes to an hour, start-to-finish. Ultrasound guidance is used for the injection to ensure administration directly into the joint capsule and avoiding any vessels near the site of injury.
Blood Draw
Complete an in-office blood draw
Blood Processing
Your provider will process the blood in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from red blood cells
Plasma Preperation
The plasma collected will be drawn into a syringe for injection
Receive injections into joints or soft tissue to accelerate healing

How Many Injections Do I Need?
This depends on the severity of the osteoarthritis or injury. Our goal is for each patient to have only one injection in the affected area. This is determined after a thorough physical exam and review of history.
Post-Injection Tips
Patients are advised to take it easy for a few days following the injection. Normal activity as tolerated is recommended. Anti-inflammatory medications should be avoided, as this interferes with the body’s healing response. Minimal injection site pain is to be expected for 1-2 days. Results may be noticed immediately but may take up to 4-6 weeks.