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Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel Treatment at Forum Health

We specialize in advanced skincare treatments to help you achieve a radiant, youthful complexion. Forum Health offers chemical peels, a highly effective solution for improving skin texture, tone, and clarity. Whether you’re struggling with acne, sun damage, or signs of aging, our experienced team is dedicated to helping you uncover your best skin yet. 

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are skincare treatments that use a combination of exfoliating agents to remove the outer layer of damaged skin, revealing smoother, healthier skin underneath. These peels are tailored to address specific concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone. At Forum Health, we offer a range of chemical peels that are customized to suit your skin type and individual needs. 


The Procedure

Before your chemical peel treatment, you’ll have a thorough consultation with one of our skincare experts to assess your skin and discuss your goals. During the procedure, the peel solution will be applied to your skin and left on for a specific amount of time, depending on the type and strength of the peel. You may experience a mild tingling or warmth during the treatment, which is normal. Afterward, your skin will be cleansed, and a soothing moisturizer and sunscreen will be applied to protect your skin. 

Results and Recovery

The results of a chemical peel treatment will vary depending on the type and strength of the peel, as well as individual skin concerns. In general, you can expect smoother, more radiant skin with improved tone and texture. Mild peels may require little to no downtime, while deeper peels may result in temporary redness, flaking, and peeling as the skin undergoes renewal. Our skincare experts will provide you with detailed post-treatment instructions to ensure a safe and comfortable recovery process. 

Why Choose Forum Health?

Experienced Practitioners

Our team consists of skilled skincare experts with years of experience in administering chemical peel treatments.

Customized Solutions

We offer a range of chemical peels that can be tailored to address your specific skin concerns and goals.

Advanced Techniques

We utilize the latest techniques and technologies to deliver safe, effective results with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Comprehensive Care

In addition to chemical peels, we offer a wide range of skincare services and products to help you maintain and enhance your results over time.

Schedule Your Consultation

Ready to reveal smoother, more radiant skin with a chemical peel at Forum Health? Contact us today to schedule your consultation.  


While chemical peels are generally safe for most skin types, certain individuals may be more prone to side effects or complications. Our skincare experts will assess your skin type and medical history during your consultation to determine the most suitable peel for you. It's important to follow post-treatment care instructions carefully to minimize the risk of adverse reactions.

During a chemical peel, you may experience a mild tingling or warmth as the peel solution is applied to your skin. After the treatment, your skin may appear slightly red or flushed, and you may experience mild peeling or flaking as the outer layer of skin sheds. These effects are normal and usually subside within a few days to a week, depending on the type and strength of the peel.

The number of chemical peel treatments needed to achieve your desired results will depend on factors such as your skin concerns, the type of peel used, and your skin's response to treatment. While some individuals may see improvement after a single treatment, others may require a series of treatments spaced several weeks apart for optimal results. Our skincare experts will customize a treatment plan based on your specific needs and goals.

Yes, chemical peels can often be combined with other skincare treatments such as microdermabrasion, laser therapy, or microneedling to enhance results and address multiple skin concerns simultaneously. However, it's important to discuss any previous or planned skincare treatments with your practitioner to ensure compatibility and minimize the risk of adverse effects.

The downtime associated with a chemical peel will vary depending on the type and strength of the peel, as well as individual skin sensitivity. While mild peels may require little to no downtime and allow you to resume normal activities immediately, deeper peels may result in several days of redness, peeling, and sensitivity. Our skincare experts will provide you with detailed post-treatment instructions to help minimize downtime and promote a smooth recovery.


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